Saturday, October 27, 2007

Common Headache Medications Are Normally Based On Either Asprin Or Paracetamol

Ann Marier

Common headaches such as migraines and fever headache, just like other sicknesses, also have their own cure and prescribed medications. Most of the times, headache medications are restricted from public access openly, which means that only upon the doctor or medical expert's prescription it is allowed to be given to someone. However, there's one headache medication which is normally publicly available, and that would be none other than Paracetamol.

The Most Commonly Found Tablets

In certain European and Asian countries, this medication comes in a famous form called the "Panadol," which is found in tablets of either 500mg or a maximum of 1000mg each. Paracetamol as we know comes normally in the form of tablet all around the world. It is hard to take it in liquid form, due to the bitter taste after leaving the tongue.

Besides that, aspirin is the next most famous medication for common headaches, which also comes in the form of tablet. Unlike Paracetamol tablets which come in white, aspirin usually has color; the most famous one being yellow. And aspirin is not just limited to headaches, but can be used for many others types of pains as well. Although Paracetamol also can do the job well, aspirin is better because it works more efficiently in making sure the blood flow is smoothened and the clogs are removed.

How are the Headache Medications Categorized and Taken?

There are three different ways of how headache medications are categorized. This will help you to find the best medicine for you. The first type is those used for symptomatic relief. This type of medications is used to treat headache pains and the accompanying symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and so on.

The second type is those used for abortive therapy. This would include the common headache medications we saw above; the Paracetamol and aspirin. They are, as we know, used to stop the headache; usually temporarily.

The third type of medication is those used for preventive therapy. As the name suggests, the medicines here are used to prevent the headache, normally taken when you have fever, to avoid the headache from coming, or similar situations like that.

Keep in mind, these headache medications are always best taken with the prescribed recommendations. This means that it is not enough for you to know the right headache medications, but also what is the right food which goes along. You basically need to follow the correct dietary lifestyle, and go for exercises and relaxation therapies.

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